Hygeia journal for Drugs and Medicines


    Prof. P.Velayudha Panicker
    [Abstract] [Full Text] [Pdf]
  • Formulation, Evaluation and Optimization of Novel Silver Sulfadiazine Loaded Film Forming Hydrogel for Burns
    Saranya TV, Manoj K*
    [Abstract] [Full Text] [Pdf]
  • Some Thoughts on improving the Manufacturing process of Ayurvedic Aristaa and Āsava
    Alex Thomas, Radha A and D. Suresh Kumar*
    [Abstract] [Full Text] [Pdf]
  • Qualitative Assessment of Kayathirumeni - A Siddha Medicated Oil as a Remedy for Arthritic Pain
    Shailaja Rajathurai, Madhumathi Sundararajan* and Sukanthan Subramanian
    [Abstract] [Full Text] [Pdf]
  • Pharmacognostical Standardization of Aerial Parts of Rosmarinus Officinalis Var. Albus
    Asia Begum, Syed Shaffath Ali, Ranjith D, Vinod K.R,and Sandhya S*
    [Abstract] [Full Text] [Pdf]
  • The Revised Guidelines of the Medical Council of India for Academic Promotions: Need for a Rethink :: Special Editorial
    Rakesh Aggarwal, Nithya Gogtay, Rajeev Kumar and Peush Sahni
    [Abstract] [Full Text] [Pdf]


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