Instructions to Authors
'Hygeia journal for drugs and medicines' is a peer-reviewed half-yearly, open access journal published by CD remedies ( a not for profit organisation) intended to include papers concerning Medicinal Chemistry, Formulation technologies,Medicinal Natural products, Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacy,Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Pharmacoeconomics, Pharmacobioinformatics, BioPharmaceutics, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacovigilance, Pharmaceutical regulatory affairs, Pharmaceutical Biology, and other related fields like Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Nanomedicine, Research on traditional & alternative medicines etc. Contributions must be original and submitted as full papers, short communications, review articles, scientific correspondence or as research news. Manuscript in English (Times New Roman, 12 font size, double spacing, simple table formats) should be submitted to the Editor by E-mail. In any case, the decision to accept/reject the contribution rests with the editors to make alternations in the text of contributions if they are not confirmed with accepted scientific standards or if they are too repetitive during the peer review or found to contain plagiarised text. All contributions must include a brief and clear title, initials of forename, surname, and address of each author.
Full papers must include: -
Authors can include a summary of not more than 150 words which should be clear and factual in content.The abstract must present the reason of the study, the main findings, and the principal conclusions. Also, authors may follow a structured abstract pattern like Plan, Preface, Methodology, Outcome, and Keywords of the research work in this section.
The introduction part should supply adequate background information to allow the readers to understand and evaluate the results and the purpose of the present study.
Materials and methods (Experimental)
The section on materials and methods should include brief details on the methodology adopted sufficient to repeat the experiment. Methods for which adequate references can be cited are not to be described. Units of measure should be in metric or in accordance with SI .
Results and Discussion
This section can include only the results of the experiments, important findings etc which should be stated in a relevant sequence. Illustrate the results with figures or tables in a concise manner wherever necessary. Results must be precise and comprehensive and should not suffer from ambiguities.
This part should provide an interpretation of the results in relation to previously published work and to the experimental system followed to the present study. Do not repeat data already stated in results in details. Illustrations may be accepted if they enhance the scientific content of the paper and must be numbered using Roman numerals in their order of citation in the text. Every table must be on a single separate sheet presented neatly with suitable legends and numbers.
Acknowledgment of any financial assistance or personal assistance may be given in separate paragraphs.
The reference section must include all relevant sources and all listed references sited in the manuscript text. Strictly follow the styles shown in the examples below: (for Journals and published books).
Author AB., Author CD. Article title. Journal title, year; Vol(issue): page no.
Eg.Author AH., Author GD. A comparative study of hydrogel dressing versus conventional dressing in burns. Int J Surg 2006; 13(2): 1-5.
Author AB. Title of the book, Publisher, Place of publication, edn, year; page no.
Websites: official Govt. websites (for research) can be included. For example, website address can be written as Author AB. Title of the article, Publisher, date of publication, date of Update/revision, available from
For short communications
The divisions of the manuscript into separate section is unnecessary and only a discussion and an experimental section must be reported.
Review Articles
(not exceeding 5,000 words) must Project new concepts in a presentable manner.Scientific correspondence contains technical comments from the published articles.
Research News and views
Information about various new and novel, technical and scientific advances in Pharmaceutical field or related scientific areas.
Presentation of data in the manuscript
Manuscript text: Times New Roman,12 font size, double spacing
Figures and Images: JPEG format is preferable ( TIFF formats also acceptable)
Tables: Tables with top and bottom borders but without inner horizontal and vertical borders along with suitable legends.
Graphs: Plain graphs without any formatting like 3D shapes or shadows, 10 points for axis numbers and labels
All the figures, images, tables and graphs properly titled, numbered sequentially and placed appropriately in the manuscript text can be uploaded as a single file to the journal website 'manuscript submission' section.
DOI and CrossRef: A DOI will be assigned to each research paper accepted for publication in Hygeia.J.D.Med. The DOI is displayed in the published paper as well as in the article index of the current issue. The link will help you to know more about DOI and how to retrieve DOIs for journal papers, books and published chapters. Hygeiajournal is connected with CrossRef for their linking and reference checking services.
Publication Ethics
Hygeia.J.D.Med. is an open access journal and the journal content is freely available to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose. The publication ethics of Hygeia:: journal focus to warrant scientific papers with high quality, transparency, credibility, and eminence. The journal follows the rules and guidelines put forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics.
Flowchart for the Editing /Reviewing system
(Schematic diagram of the editorial workflow of Hygeia.J.D.Med.)
The articles submitted for publication in the journal will be first reviewed by the technical staff of the editorial board for the preliminary formatting and corrections with respect to the usage of fonts, abstract preparation, experimental section, acknowledgments, conflicts of interest, copyrights, funding agencies, references etc. Once the basic format of the manuscript is stabilized it will be evaluated by the editorial review staffs at the preliminary stage. After the preliminary evaluation, the manuscript is ready for the double-blind peer review which constitutes the second stage of the editing process.
The second stage peer review will be performed by a minimum of two peer reviewers and their review data will be collected in the review data form (RDF). According to the double-blind review, the final decision about the article will be sent to the corresponding author for further proceedings. The journal is connected with CrossRef for their linking and reference checking services. Once the final accepted manuscripts are received at the editorial office they will be sent for publication. The abstracting work will be commenced immediately after the publication of the respective issue. All the authors will be informed about the date of publication of the respective issues and rewarded with the full journal in pdf copies and certificates. Authors are encouraged to register free to interact with the journal website.
Journal vigilance over Plagiarism/ Data corruption / manipulation / fabrication
The articles published in Hygeia: journal for drugs and medicines are original and the data that has not been published or under consideration elsewhere. Manuscripts that are found to have been plagiarized from research data by other authors, whether published or unpublished, may face strict actions like rejection of the paper, or avoidance of the papers from these authors in the future etc. Also the falsification and fabrication of data obtained during a laboratory work, experimental schedule, etc.
The Hygeiajournal editorial board is always against the duplication of published articles at any time. The duplication of previously published text by other authors, published images, photographs, diagrams etc into a new manuscript may lead to immediate rejection by the first stage itself. Proper citations can be given every time to make one’s work legitimate and clean. Normally the number of authors to be included in an article in Hygeiajournal is restricted to five and the number can be increased up to a maximum of seven if the corresponding author convinces by certification about the substantial contribution by all the other authors.
Manuscript Tracking System
We are having Manuscript Tracking System for the benefit of the authors which enable the writers to track the status of their submitted papers at any time, after login to the website. Normally the scientific review of a paper may take up to one or two months. After receiving a manuscript, Hygeiajournal makes a blind review, by sending the paper to reviewers (2 or 3) at the same time. Normally a double-blind reviewing procedure is followed for the assessment of a manuscript. The article status can be viewed as submitted, review on progress, accepted after minor /major revisions or rejected. The archived articles of the journal can be retrieved by anyone who is interested in reading that particular topic by simple free registration to the journal site and by request to the journal editor for activating his/her account. The content of the current issue is open to all and can be accessed freely.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors of the manuscript may agree any conflicts of interest that, they have no associations with any organizations for any type of financial interest or non-financial interest with any data included or discussed in the research paper. This statement must be signed by all the authors to agree that the information are accurate and truthful.
The statement for any conflicts of interest must be signed by the authors, which is shown with the following link :
download pdf:: conflicts of interest
Statement about Protection of Human Subjects and Animals in Research
Authors may submit a declaration and other supporting documents indicating that the studies involving human subjects are in agreement with the Helsinki declaration of 1975 (revised in 2000,2008,2013) and approved by the Institutional Ethical Committee. The study involving human subjects may furnish the informed consent from all the participants. Also, the experiments with animals, involved in studies are strictly in accordance with the Institutional Animal Ethical Committee approved by the national for the care and use of laboratory animals. More information and guidelines can be obtained from clinical trials .gov (a service of the U.S. National Institutes of Health) website.
The statements regarding the above considerations can be downloaded from the link mentioned below:
download pdf :: protection of human subjects and animals in research

Informed Consent template
Authorship statement
Authorship statement
Manuscript pattern: checklist
Abstract (Plan, Preface, Methodology, Outcome, and Keywords)
Materials and Methods
Results and discussion
References (as per Hygeia journal pattern), placed successively in the text of the manuscript as reference numbers which are super-scripted at relevant sentences and paragraphs.
The inclusion of sequential numbering for Tables, figures, and graphs with suitable legends.
Permission for publishing images which are already published by other authors
Whether the whole manuscript is checked for plagiarism by suitable checking tools before submitting to the journal.
'Hygeiajournal for drugs and medicines' does not charge authors for submission and publication.
Authors are requested to submit the manuscript using
online submission form . or E-mail us at