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Authorship statement

I / We, the undersigned author(s) of the manuscript entitled…………………………………….hereby declare that the above manuscript which is submitted for publication in HYGEIA.J.D.Med. is not under consideration elsewhere. The manuscript is not published already in part or whole (except in the form of abstract) in any journal or magazine for private or public circulation. No part of this manuscript (referenced or otherwise) has been copied verbatim from any source. Permission to reproduce table no. ( ) and figure no. ( ) has been obtained and submitted. Reproduced text, if any has been given in italics and within quotes. I/we give consent for publication in HYGEIA.J.D.Med. in any media (print, electronic or any other). I /we do not have any conflict of interest (financial or other) other than those declared. I/we have read the final version of the manuscript and am/are responsible for what is said in it. The work described in the manuscript is my/our own and my/our individual contribution to this work is significant enough to qualify for authorship. No one who has contributed significantly to the work has been denied authorship and those who helped have been duly acknowledged. I/we also agree to the authorship of the article in the following sequence.

Author's name and signature