Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity of Root Extracts of Rubus ellipticus (Smith)
Hygeia J. D. Med. Vol.1 (1) 2009, 7-10
(ISSN 0975 6221)
Type of Article
Short Review
Vadivelan . P1*, Rajesh Kumar . R2 , Bhadra . S1, Shanish. A1, Elango . K1 , Suresh . B1
1. Department of Pharmacology, J.S.S. College of Pharmacy, Rocklands, The Nilgris, Tamilnadu
2. Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, J.S.S. College of Pharmacy, Rocklands, The Nilgris, Tamilnadu
The present work is targeted mainly to quantify the phenolic and flavanoid content of Rubus ellipticus root extracts. The quantitative analysis of data showed that, the methanol extract of Rubus ellipticus root contains 21 to 225mg/g of gallic acid and 16 to 29mg/g of rutin. The preliminary antioxidant activity of extracts was screened in vitro using 2,2-Diphenyl-1-Picryl Hydrazyl (DPPH), ABTS, Hydroxyl and lipid peroxidation (LPO) free radical models. The methanol extract showed strong scavenging activity against free radical compared to all other extracts experimented.
Key words: Antioxidant activity, Rubus ellipticus, DPPH, ABTS, Hydroxyl and Lipid peroxide radicals
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