Traditional Ayurvedic tablets may contain Heavy Metals.
Hygeia.J.D.Med 2018; 9(2):20-25
DOI: 10.15254/H.J.D.Med.9.2018.170
Alex Thomas1 and D.Suresh kumar2*
1. International Institute of Biotechnology and Toxicology, Padappai - 601 301, Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu, India
2. Cymbio Pharma Pvt Ltd, 151, Industrial Suburb, Opposite to Metro Cash-and-Carry, Yeswantpur, Bangalore- 560 022, India.
Plan: Several authors have reported the presence of alarmingly high levels of heavy metals like lead, arsenic, cadmium and mercury in ayurvedic medicines. Ayurveda employs several classes of medicines, among which gulika (tablets) are an important one. However, it is not known whether traditional ayurvedic pills are free from heavy metals. The present study was therefore, undertaken to study the heavy metal content of some representative ayurvedic tablets manufactured using herbs.
Methodology: Samples of ayurvedic tablets were obtained from the market and the content of lead, arsenic, cadmium and mercury was determined using ICP-MS.
Outcome: Among the 16 Ayurvedic tablets analyzed, 4 failed for lead, 2 for arsenic and 6 for mercury. All the tested samples had cadmium below the limit set by Government of India. A review of the available reports and the present study support the contention that tablets are the worst affected ayurvedic dosage form. Urgent measures are to be taken to control this problem.
Keywords : Ayurveda; Quality control; Regulatory affairs; Heavy metals; Inductively-coupled mass spectrometer; Mercury
D. Suresh Kumar PhD
Cymbio Pharma Pvt Ltd, 151,
Industrial Suburb, Opposite to Metro Cash-and-Carry,
Yeswantpur,Bangalore- 560 022, India.
Mobile: +91-94- 493-48897
Rid: D-2044-2014
Article History
Received: 16 September 2017
Revised: 2 October 2017
Accepted: 3 November 2017,
Available online: 4 January 2018
Article citation
Alex Thomas and D.Suresh kumar*. Traditional Ayurvedic tablets may contain Heavy Metals. Hygeia.J.D.Med 2018; 9(2):20-25.Available fromhttp://www.hygeiajournal.com, DOI: 10.15254/H.J.D.Med.9.2018.170