Hygeia journal for Drugs and Medicines


Simultaneous Multicomponent Spectrophotometric analysis of Ampicillin and Probenecid in Pharmaceutical formulation by Derivative spectroscopy

Hygeia.JD.Med.Vol.3 (2),Oct.2011-March 2012,57-61.

Article title: Simultaneous Multicomponent Spectrophotometric analysis of Ampicillin andProbenecid in Pharmaceutical formulation by Derivative spectroscopy                                    

Authors:Thomas Kurian* and Jose Kurien

College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Govt. MedicalCollege, Kottayam, Kerala, India.686008.

Articlehistory: Received: 2 August, 2011, revised: 27 August2011, 2011,accepted: 1 Sept.2011, Available online: 1 October 2011


   A simple, fast and precise simultaneous multicomponent derivative spectrophotometric method has been developed for simultaneous determination of Ampicillin and Probenecidin pharmaceutical formulation. The first derivative spectra has absorption maxima at 222.2nm for Ampicillin and 288 nm for Probenecid in 0.1N NaOH used as solvent. The peak with good absorption at different concentrations, obeyed BeerLambert law only was chosen. Both Ampicillin and Probenecid showed linearity in the range of 10 to 50 μg/ml concentration.

Keywords: Ampicillin, Probenecid,simultaneous, multicomponent, derivative spectrophotometric method

Article Outline


2.Method development

3.Recovery experiments

4.Results and discussion


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ThomasKurian and JoseKurien, H.J.D.Med. Vol. 3 (2), October 2011, pp57-61.

© 2011 Hygeia journalfor drugs and medicinesall rights reserved.  2229 3590, 0975 6221


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